Court Room

Justice Professionals


  • Wears a red sash


  • Referred to as “Your Honour”


  • Decides if the law has been broken and consequences


  • Is present in trials, sentencing, mental health courts and pre-trials

Justice of the Peace

  • Wears a green sash and is referred to as “Your Worship”


  • Decides if person can be released on bail


  • Is present in criminal court matters before trial


Clerk of the Court

  • Sits in the center in front of the Judge/Justice of the peace

  • Handles the court paper work

  • Organizes court schedules, calls court to order

Court Reporter

  • Sits beside the clerk of the court and in front of the judge/justice of the peace


  • Makes notes of everything that is said in the courtroom


Duty Counsel/Defense Counsel

  • Free lawyer that can help you with your first appearance and subsequent appearances if you qualify
  • Connect with your local court duty counsel for more information 

Crown/Crown Prosecutor

  • Provincial lawyer that represents the community


  • Responsible for proving criminal charges



  • Person that is charged with a criminal offence


  • Is someone who has knowledge/evidence about a matter that is presented in the court

Case Study

These are some of the justice professionals that Derek saw in the court during his first appearance. 
