Victim’s Rights

Victim of a Crime:

A person that suffers harm (physical, emotional, property, or financial) because of a crime.

The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights provides victims with the following rights:

  1. Information
    • About the justice system, any victim services and the progress of the case
  2. Protection
    • All reasonable and necessary measures must be taken to protect you from intimidation, retaliation, to protect your identity and be given any help needed when testifying.
  3. Participation
    • You can share your opinion on the case to justice professionals, including presenting a victim impact statement.

  4. Restitution
    • If you had financial losses, you could ask the court to make a restitution order so that the offender must pay back the loss.
  5. Make a Complaint
    • If you believe your rights have been breached, you can use a complaint system to report that.

Victim’s Rights Apply when:

  1. An offence is being investigated by police or prosecuted in the court system
  2. When the offender is incarcerated or conditionally released
  3. When the offender is under the Ontario Review Board’s jurisdiction (found not criminally responsible or found unfit)

