
What to Expect When Going to Jail

1. You will be searched when you get there

You will go through a body x-ray machine to look for any weapons, drugs, or things you are not allowed to bring into the jail. 

It will look something like this.

Metal detector gate icon

2. Property Bag

Everything of yours will be put into a property bag including clothing, medication etc.

If you have any money on you when you go into jail, it will be put in your “inmate trust account”

This is like a bank account you can use to buy items in the canteen.

a plastic sealable bag

3. Basic Intake

A basic intake will be completed so the jail knows where you should stay in the building.

This will include:

  • Contact information (phone number, address, previous address, power of attorney)
  • Indigenous status
  • Health status
    • Tell the worker of any medication you are on, your doctors name and pharmacy
    • Mental Health screening takes place at this stage you can tell the worker about any of your diagnoses or mental health concerns
    • If you have allergies or require a special diet remember to tell staff at intake
Senior male therapist reading from a paper at a desk

4. Clothing

You will be given jail clothing – jumpsuit, shoes, socks and underwear

A prisoner wearing jail clothing

5. Hygiene Items

You will be given hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, deodorant, razor, shaving crème, and feminine hygiene products if needed.

Travel Toiletries in Clear Plastic Bag

6. COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, if you are entering the jail from the community, you will have to be in quarantine for 14 days. You will be in a cell by yourself during this time.
